
Masjid Al-Shuhadaa​ is a mosque and gathering place for a diverse and dynamic community.

Our doors are open to all who seek to deepen their connection with the community and the Islamic faith.

Whether you are a lifelong Muslim, new to the faith, or new to the country, Masjid Al-Shuhada offers a welcoming environment where you can pray, learn and grow.

Prayer Details

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About our Masjid
Opening Times
The Masjid opens 5 minutes before Salah Al-Fajr daily, and closes 1 Hour after Adhan Al-Isha’ daily, and closed between fajr and Dhuhr prayers.
Fridays from 12:30 - 1:00 PM and 1:30 - 2:00 PM
Visit our Denver Mosque
Video Resources
Signs of the Hour

Learn more about the major 10 signs of the hour.

Tawbah and Repentance

Learn about Tawbah and why it is important.

Miracles of the Isra' and Miraag

The concept of Miracle (Mukjizat) and the mind and science relationship to miracles.