Thank you to all of the volunteers who joined us on Sunday, May 26 for our volunteer day with Islamic Relief USA.
Our dedicated and efficient volunteers created 500 hygiene kits that will be shared with those in need! Thanks to all that participated in our end of year surveys. From these surveys, we found two major themes that the community expressed a huge need for. Theme #1: ConvenienceMuch of our first survey responses touched on shorter, clearer, and more focused khutbahs. Also, we recognized that the contents of the khutbahs should spark inspiration in our hearts. To that end, we will work towards making these shorter, with perhaps a 20-minute limit, since we do not want to short change the message. We do see opportunities to keep our Friday khutbahs more english-focused, and less repetitive, so that all can follow along with minimum listening efforts. The parking lot is an issue that we very much agree needs attention. Our parking lot is old, and is in need of a major renovation to accommodate more vehicles - as well as facilitate a more efficient way to enter and exit the lot. To that end, we are actively seeking rental agreement options with our landlord, and hope to come to an understanding on how best to handle (and ultimately fund) a new $40,000 - $80,000 parking lot. Lastly, we understand that many who come to our Friday khutbahs are taking their lunch breaks in order to attend, and would appreciate speedy food options after each khutbah. To that end, we are in conversations with El Turkito, a favored halal food truck, as well as given the restaurant next door, Hayati Mediterranean Grill, a heads up, so that they will be available to serve quick meals, so you can get on your way. Theme #2: Connection