The method of understanding of Miracles The Isra’ and Miraag (Night Journey and Ascending)
Introduction about the concept of Miracle (Mukjizat) and the mind, science (Night journey and Ascension miracle as an example) methodology of thinking in relationship to miracles and unseen.
- What is the Isra’ and Mi’raj in the Qur’an and Sunnah, the narrations and historical context (Makkah – Jerusalem – Heavens)
- What is the significance of Isra’ and Miraaj (body or soul or both?
- Types of people who interact with such miracle (Non-Muslims – Muslims who are deviated – A true believer and slave. ( Abu Jahl – Abu Bakr – Muslims who changed their belief
How to Apply to Our Lives
- Educate yourself about miracles
- Develop a total and unwavering faith and belief in the miracles of Allah mentioned in the Qur’an and the sunnah of the Prophet.
- Islam is universal
- Keep your five daily prayer on time and accurate and focus
Lessons to be Learned
- Allah has no example
- Allah is all Powerful
- Allah is glorified and Allah Hearing and Knowing
- Abu Bakr “ If he said it, then it is the truth then”.
- The prophet went on a journey at night from Makkah
to Jerusalem and then he ascended to heaven. He led prayer with Pro Masjid Al-Aqsa - The universal message of Islam
- The significance of Salah, Milk is chosen and alcohol is forbidden
- The messenger of Allah is a model of everything to every human being
Quranic Verses Related to Topic
- Glory be to the One Who took His servant ˹Muḥammad˺ by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We may show him some of Our signs.1 Indeed, He2 alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
- And ˹remember, O Prophet˺ when We told you, Certainlyyour Lord encompasses the people.” And We have made what Webroughtyoutosee1 aswellasthecursed tree˹mentioned˺intheQuran2 onlyasatestforthe
people. We keep warning them, but it only increases them greatly in defiance.
Hadith Used in Khutbah
- Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported in the course of his famous pertaining to Al-Isra’ (the Ascension) that Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, “Then (Gabriel) ascended along with me to the nearest heaven and requested for the gat opened. He was asked:
here?’ He replied: `Jibril.’ He was asked: `Who is with you?’ He said: `Muhammad.’ The to the second heaven and requested for the opening of the gate. He was asked: `Wh said: `Jibril.’ He was asked: `Who is with you?’ He replied: `Muhammad.’ In the ascended to the third, fourth and all the heavens (i.e., until the seventh). At all of the asked: `Who is there?’ He replied: Jibril.”’ [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Dua’ used in the khutbah
- Certainly Allah says the Truth
- Certainly the Messenger of Allah says the Truth
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